Raspberry Pi - LED Brightness
For this example, we'll be using an LED on a Raspberry Pi board, and modifying it's
brightness to make it fade in and out. Before we start, make sure you've got the
module installed.
Let's start by importing Cylon:
var Cylon = require('cylon');
Once we've got that, we can start defining our robot:
We'll be using a Raspberry Pi as our connection. As well, we'll let our robot know about the LED we'll be modifying, on pin #11 of the Raspberry Pi.
connections: { raspi: { adaptor: 'raspi' } }, devices: { led: { driver: 'led', pin: 11 } },
Next up, we'll define our robot's work:
work: function(my) {
We'll set some variables here: brightness will represent the LED's brightness, from 1-255, and 'fade' will be the brightness change on each tick.
var brightness = 0, fade = 5;
Every 50 milliseconds, we'll be incrementing the brightness by fade
's value,
setting the LED to that brightness, and reversing fade
's value if brightness
hits 0 or 255.
every(0.05.seconds(), function() { brightness += fade; my.led.brightness(brightness); if ((brightness === 0) || (brightness === 255)) { fade = -fade; } }); }
And with that done, we can now start our robot.