"use strict";

var Cylon = require("cylon");

  connections: {
    sphero: { adaptor: "sphero", port: "/dev/rfcomm0" }

  devices: {
    sphero: { driver: "sphero" }

  work: function(my) {
    var color = 0x00FF00,
        bitFilter = 0xFFFF00;

    console.log("Setting up Collision Detection...");

    my.sphero.on("dataStreaming", function(data) {

    my.sphero.on("collision", function() {
      color = color ^ bitFilter;
      console.log("Color: " + (color.toString(16)) + " ");
      my.sphero.roll(128, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360));

    // To detect locator, accelOne and velocity from the sphero
    // we use setDataStreaming.
    // sphero API data sources for locator info are as follows:
    // ["locator", "accelOne", "velocity"]
    // It is also possible to pass an opts object to setDataStreaming():
    var opts = {
      // n: int, divisor of the max sampling rate, 400 hz/s
      // n = 40 means 400/40 = 10 data samples per second,
      // n = 200 means 400/200 = 2 data samples per second
      n: 200,
      // m: int, number of data packets buffered before passing to the stream
      // m = 10 means each time you get data it will contain 10 data packets
      // m = 1 is usually best for real time data readings.
      m: 1,
      // pcnt: 1 -255, how many packets to send.
      // pcnt = 0 means unlimited data Streaming
      // pcnt = 10 means stop after 10 data packets
      pcnt: 0,
      dataSources: ["locator", "accelOne", "velocity"]


    // SetBackLED turns on the tail LED of the sphero that helps
    // identify the direction the sphero is heading.
    // accepts a param with a value from 0 to 255, led brightness.