"use strict";

var Cylon = require("cylon");

  connections: {
    tessel: { adaptor: "tessel", port: "A" }

  devices: {
    ir: { driver: "ir-attx4" }

  work: function(my) {
    my.ir.on("error", function(err) {

    my.ir.on("data", function(data) {
      console.log("Received RX Data: ", data);

    every((3).seconds(), function() {
      This infrared module example transmits the
      power signal sequence of an Insignia brand
      television every three seconds, while also
      listening for (and logging) any incoming
      infrared data.
      // Make a buffer of on/off durations (each duration is 16 bits)
      var powerBuffer = new Buffer([0, 178, 255, 168, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 13, 255, 225, 0, 13, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 13, 255, 247, 0, 13, 255, 247, 0, 13, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 224, 0, 13, 255, 247, 0, 13, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 13, 255, 247, 0, 13, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 224, 0, 13, 255, 225, 0, 13, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 13, 255, 247, 0, 13, 255, 247, 0, 13, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 246, 0, 12, 255, 224, 0, 13, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 224, 0, 12, 255, 224, 0, 12]);

      // Send the signal at 38 kHz
      my.ir.sendRawSignal(38, powerBuffer, function(err) {
        if (err) {
          console.log("Unable to send signal: ", err);
        } else {
          console.log("Signal sent!");